Trilateral MoU signing ceremony in Las Vegas Uncategorized

What a great milestone for the EE-ISAC! On the 17th of October at the GridSecCon event in Las Vegas, Johan Rambi signed the trilateral Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the US E-ISAC, Japan JE-ISAC and EE-ISAC on behalf of the Chair and Board. Since 2013, when Johan started with the DENSEK project, he has been dreaming about a global information sharing community for the energy sector. With the MoU the EE-ISAC can now take these steps to share knowledge and information between continents in order to improve the resilience of the global energy infrastructure. Johan was also very happy to see mr Abe, secretary-general of the Japan JE-ISAC, again. Furthermore, Johan gave a presentation to 600 attendants of the GridSecCon event to introduce the EE-ISAC model and activities.